Les énergies renouvelables en Afrique

Pourtant, les éoliennes sont rares en Afrique, un continent aux énormes besoins énergétiques et au potentiel éolien important.

Executive Board

As prescribed in the AFREC Convention, AFREC Executive Board serve’s for a period of two years. It shall hold one ordinary meeting every year at the Headquarters of the Commission or in any Member State upon the recommendation of the Board. It may also meet in extra-ordinary session under conditions to be specified in the Rules of Procedure of the Commission;

It shall be composed as follows:

  • Fifteen senior energy experts representing Member States, elected on the basis of the AU criteria for geographical representation and on a rotational basic
  • Senior energy expert of the Organization of African Unity representing the Secretary-General
  • One duly appointed representative of each of the RECs, ex-officio
  • One duly appointed representative of the Union of Producers, Conveyors and Distributors of Electric Power in Africa (UPEDEA), ex-officio
  • A senior energy expert of the African Development Bank, ex-officio
  • A senior energy expert of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, ex-officio
  • The Executive Director who shall serve as the Secretary of the Board.

The Board shall be answerable to the Conference/Council of Minister.

Currently, AFREC has no Board in place and is working towards install one.



