Renewable energy in Africa

Yet wind turbines are a rare sight in Africa, a continent with enormous energy needs and significant wind potential.

The First-Ten Year Implementation Plan

The First Ten Year Implementation Plan (FTYIP) of Agenda 2063 (2013 – 2023) is the first in a series of five ten year plans over the fifty year horizon of Agenda 2063’s 50 time frame.

The purpose for developing the ten year plans are to:

  • Identify priority areas, set specific targets, define strategies and policy measures required to implement the FTYIP of Agenda 2063.
  • Bring to fruition the Fast Track programmes and initiatives outlined in the Malabo Decisions of the African Union (AU) to provide the big push and breakthroughs for Africa’s economic and social transformation.
  • Provide information to all key stakeholders at the national, regional and continental levels on the expected results / outcomes for the first ten years of the plan and assign responsibilities to all stakeholders in its implementation, monitoring and evaluation
  • Outline the strategies required to ensure availability of resources and capacities together with citizen’s engagement in the implementation of the First Ten Year Plan.

To ensure that Agenda 2063 is not only implemented but that it has measurable results, the FTYIP enumerates 20 Agenda 2063 Goals linked to the 7 Aspiration and each of these goals identifies the priority areas to be implemented at a national level to ensure that collectively Africa will attain its developmental objectives. The goals and priority areas of the FTYIP were influenced by 4 key factors:

  1. The Flagship Projects /Programmes of Agenda 2063
  2. Near Term National and Regional Economic Communities (RECs) Development Priorities
  3. Continental Frameworks
  4. Agenda 2063 Results Framework


